Willock & Sax Gallery

Inspire Yourself

Art You Will Love For The Rest Of Your Life

Something new, something blue…and… who would have thought!!!

New pastels and oils by Jane Romanishko,

Historic merchant jars from before and after Confederation,

and paintings by Lizzie Rummel (Elizabeth (Lizzie) Rummel-Waldau (1897-1980)

 Weekly Updates…

  • Margaret Shelton CPE (1915-84)

    Margaret Shelton CPE (1915-84)

    …some rare finds…

  • Brandy Saturley

    Brandy Saturley

    …just arrived…

  • Bill Peters

    Bill Peters

    …colour & composition…

  • Ed Bamiling

    Ed Bamiling

    …paper clay, raku-fired, saggar-fired ceramics…

  • Dwayne Harty

    Dwayne Harty

    A feature in conjunction with the
    Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies
    exhibition Bison Legacy: The Artistic Vision of Dwayne Harty

  • Fleming Zuhling

    Fleming Zuhling

    …ground and sanded…