Books & Calendar
Charles Noble, Banff/Breaking, 1984, Longspoon Press, 62 page, soft cover, book of poems, $7 Cdn.
Charles Noble, Lets Hear It For Them, 1990, Thistledown Press, 64 page, soft cover, book of poems, $15 Cdn.
Charles Noble, Wormwood Vermouth, WarpHistory, 1995, Thistledown Press, 94 page, soft cover book, $11 Cdn...........Here is poetry that takes on, in both senses, the contemporary "malcontent" or knowledge smog, wormholes it (bird's eye be damned) or sees it through with wild equivocating and contaminated sentences.
Charles Noble, Hearth Wild / Post Cardiac Banff, 2001, Thistledown Press, 266 page, soft cover counter-novel, $15 Cdn..........Charles Noble’s counter-novel is a minefield and motherlode of jest, memory and speculation. Noble’s exploration of the literary and topographical culture of Banff, past and present, yields a narrative filled with wit, style and playful exuberance.
Charles Noble, Death Drive Through Gaia Paris, 2007, University of Calgary Press, 68 page, soft cover book, out of print, $20 Cdn.
Charles Noble, Sally O Selected Poems And Manifesto, 2009, Thistledown Press, 298 page, soft cover, $20 Cdn.
Charles Noble, The Kindness Colder Than the Elements, 2011, Mingling Voices Series, AU Press, 168 page, soft cover poems, $15 Cdn.......... His world is the world as folded-unfolded, a world riddled with postions and dispositions, of uncanny books both of escape and double-edged capture.
Charles Noble, Mack The Naif Or The Thing That We Do Do, 2016, Ekstasis Editions, 228 page, soft cover, book of poems, $20 Cdn.

Charles Noble, What Can I Say?, 2019, Ekstasis Editions, 271 pages, softcover, $20 Cdn...........Award-winning author Charles Noble divided his time between Banff and Nobleford, inhabiting the former for almost fifty years and inhabited by the latter (the strong farm background) for even longer. He currently resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Hillo, Andrea, The Artists Of Georgian Bay. Harcourt, ON: The Artists Books, 2024 (Dwayne Harty featured on page 50-3), hardcover, 120 pp, $45 Cdn.

Locke, Harvey ed. Yellowstone To Yukon: The Journey Of Wildlife And Art. Golden, Colorado: Fulcrum Publishing, 2012; issued in connection with a 2012 exhibition that included Dwayne Harty works that was held at the National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson, Wyoming, USA and at the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies in Banff, Alberta, Canada, hardcover, 123 pp, $35 Cdn.

Robert W. Sandford, Storm Warning: Water and Climate Security in a Changing World, 2015, 264 pages, softcover, $25.00 CDN

Robert W. Sandford, Water, Weather and the Mountain West (signed), 2007, 208 pages, softcover, $19.95 CDN

Arts That Flow As Stories From Our Landscape: Alberta (anthology of Alberta artists and Battle River Writers), 91 pages, hardcover, $40.00 Cdn.

Chris Stoffel Overvoorde, Passing The Colours, Engaging Visual Culture In The 21st Century (signed), 2002, 199 pages, softcover, $19.95 Cdn.

2025 Cape Dorset Inuit Art Calendar, sold out.
Charles Noble, J.O. Thompson, Jon Whyte, "Three 3", 1973, Summerthought, 108 page, paper back of poems, sold.