Yuriko Igarashi Kitamura
drawing, printmaking, batik, and sumi ink…

Nocturne, 1996, drawing and watercolour on paper, 3 x 3 inches (8 x 8 cm), framed (as shown), $400 Cdn.

Nasturtium, 1995, linocut/paper, 3x3 inches (8x8cm), unframed, $100.00 Cdn.

Touch Of Gold, 1995, graphite and watercolour on paper, 3X3 inches (8x8cm), unframed, $200.00

Two Little Buds, 1996, graphite and watercolour on paper, 3X3 inches (8x8cm), unframed, $200.00

Chrysanthemum, linocut/paper, 5.5 x 5.5 inches (14x14cm), unframed, $150.00 Cdn.

Day Lilies Life Cycle, 2010, graphite/paper, 4x4 inches (10x10 cm), unframed, $200.00 Cdn.

Geranium Series: Black & White, 2008, graphite/paper, 4x4 inches (10x10 cm), unframed, $200.00 Cdn.

Day Lilies Full Open, 2014, graphite/paper, 4x4 inches (10x10 cm), unframed, $200.00 Cdn.

Chrysanthemum Series, 2010, graphite/paper, 4x4 inches (10x10 cm), unframed, $200.00 Cdn.

Linden Tree, Leaves & Seeds, 2001, graphite on paper, 3x3 inches (8x8 cm), unframed, $200.00 Cdn.

Geranium Series: Composition Centre, 2008, graphite/paper, 4x4 inches (10x10 cm), unframed, $200.00 Cdn.

Linden Series, 2001, graphite on paper, 3x3 inches (8x8 cm), unframed, $200.00 Cdn.

Linden Tree, 2001, graphite on paper, 3x3 inches (8x8 cm), unframed, $200.00 Cdn.

Christmas Cactus #2, 1997, graphite and watercolour on paper, 3x3 inches (8x8 cm), unframed, $200.00 Cdn.

Tradescantia, 1996, graphite on paper, 3x3 inches (7.5 x 7.5 cm), framed, $350.00 Cdn.

Nasturtium Study, 1995, graphite on paper, 3x3 inches (8x8 cm), framed, $350.00 Cdn.

Christmas Cactus #5, 1997, graphite & watercolour on paper, 3x3 inches (7.5 x 7.5 cm), framed, $350.00 Cdn.
Day Lilies Afternoon, graphite drawing on Rising Stonehenge paper, 4 x 4 inches (10x10 cm), framed, $350.00 Cdn.
Day Lilies Life Cycle, graphite drawing on Rising Stonehenge paper, 4 x 4 inches (10x10 cm), framed, $350.00 Cdn.

Four Birch Tree Seeds, 1993, graphite drawing on Rising Stonehenge paper, 3x3 inches (8x8 cm) each with four framed together, $800.00 Cdn.

Birch Tree (Light Behind, Dark In Night, Light Left), 1995, graphite drawing on Rising Stonehenge paper, 9 x 3 inches (23 x 8 cm) each with 3 works framed together, $1100.00 Cdn

Wrap & Left (Casa Blanca Lily), graphite drawing on Rising Stonehenge paper, 19.5 x 25.5 inches (49.5 x 65 cm), framed, $1400.00 Cdn.

Fall (Birch Tree), 1995, graphite drawing on Rising Stonehenge paper, 9x3 inches (23 x 8 cm), framed, $500.00 Cdn.

Birch Tree Fall, 1995, graphite drawing on Rising Stonehenge paper, 9x3 inches (23 x 8 cm), framed, $500.00 Cdn.

Evolution Is A Fact (Darwin), 2015, graphite drawing on Rising Stonehenge paper, 12x12 inches (30.5 x 30.5 cm), framed, $500.00 Cdn.

Oneness (Why?), 2011, graphite drawing on Rising Stonehenge paper, 12x12 inches (30.5 x 30.5 cm), framed, $500.00 Cdn.

Against Majority (Galileo), 2009, graphite drawing on Rising Stonehenge paper, 12x12 inches (30.5 x 30.5 cm), framed, $500.00 Cdn.

Tobogganing, 1979, etching on paper, 8.5 x 11 inches (21.5 x 28 cm), framed, $500.00 Cdn.

Untitled, 1979, coloured etching on paper, 6.25 x 8 inches (16 x 20 cm), framed, $450.00 Cdn.
Three Vases, 1979, batik on cotton, 26.5 x 23 inches (87.5 x 58.5 cm), unframed, $750.00 Cdn.

Columbia Ice Field, 1980, batik on cotton, 28 x 43 inches (71 x 109 cm), unframed, $1100.00 Cdn.

Tear Of Silence (based on poem "Learning The Language" by Tom Three Person, mixed media on sekishu 30 gm rice paper, with twine and poplar sticks, 24 x 14 inches (61 x 36 cm), wall hanging, $1100.00 Cdn.

Road Series, 2003, sumi ink brush drawing/board, 9x9 inches (23 x 23 cm), framed, $500.00 Cdn.
Five Male Figures Posing, sumi ink drawing on mitsumata 45-50 gm rice paper, 13x35 inches (33 x 89 cm), framed, $1600.00 Cdn.

Chrysanthemum Series, graphite drawing on Rising Stonehenge paper, 4 x 4 inches (10x10 cm), sold.

Loon Emerging, print from original pen & ink/paper, 7x7 inches (18x18 cm), framed - Donated by Willock & Sax Gallery to the Banff Culture Collective Marketplace during the Banff Centre Mountain Film & Book Festival.

Crashing Water #5, 1979, etching on paper, 9 x 11.5 inches (23 x 29 cm), sold.

Female Laydown Pose, sumi ink drawing on mitsumata 45-50 gm rice paper, 11 x 16 inches (28 x 40.5 cm), sold.

Male Figure Stretch Pose, sumi ink drawing on mitsumata 45-50 gm rice paper, 16.5 x 15 inches (42 x 38 cm), sold.

Female Figure Sitting Front, sumi ink drawing on mitsumata 45-50 gm rice paper, 16.5 x 16.5 inches (42x42 cm), sold

Male Drawing, sumi ink drawing on mitsumata 45-50 gm rice paper, 13.5 x 17 inches (34.5 x 43 cm), sold.

Tangling, 1999, graphite drawing on paper, 3 x 3 inches (8 x 8 cm), framed (as shown), sold.

Tulip-3, linocut on paper, 3 x 3 inches (8x8cm), unframed, sold.

Orchid (Iris's Present), 2014, watercolour and graphite/paper, 7.5 x 7 inches (18 x 19 cm), sold.
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Enjoy Yuriko's watercolour paintings
Enjoy Yuriko's mixed media on rice paper paintings
“I want to go beyond what I see.”
From primarily painting on rice paper her interests expanded to include etching, graphite drawing and her favourite – figure drawing in Japanese calligraphy-style brush drawing.
“I want to capture the timeless serenity, the power and endurance of rugged mountains, the delicacy of a flower, or the essence of the human figure.”
Born in Hokkaido, Japan, the artist moved to USA in the early 1960s after completing a BSc in Pharmacology, and then to Canada in the mid-1960s. Her career as an artist began in Alberta.
Yuriko Igarashi Kitamura is best known in artistic circles as the originator of dye-painting on rice paper. She taught the technique through the University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension over a period of fourteen (14) years.
Yuriko’s aesthetic approach captures the timelessness and serenity in nature. She strives to honour the qualities of simplification, decorativeness, and serenity in her work, and is interested in drawing and capturing the various expectations and cycles of life. Her primary work is done on location, in watercolour and in pencil sketch.